
cfd'den anlayan

bana bir ulassa. birkac sorum olacak.

burdan sor.

  • exordinary  (04.07.12 19:23:02) 
burdan soruyum fakat pek anlasilabilir olacagini sanmiyorum.

temel olarak sorum asagida. akis kanal icinde geciyor. ve aslinda ortada alt duvara bitisik sekilde dikdortgen bir engel var. genel olarak gereken yaklasimlari biliyorum. fakat kod kisminda ve cozumun uygulanmasi hakkinda hic bir fikrim yok. sorunun starccm kismida cok problem degil.

buna benzer bir problemin cozumu hazirda varsa oda isime yarayabilir

Given a two-dimensional flow field, which is formed at each student differently and has different dimensions. The flow is as smooth, incompressible, irrotational and stationary to accept. This is the so-called potential flow that is either caused by the potential function Φ or the stream function Ψ fully described. Both are determined by solving the elliptic Laplace equation for the domain. The inflow velocity is 5 m / s, the fluid is water with a density of ρ = 1000 kg/m3.

First Ψ is the stream function points as calculated by the numerical solution of Laplace's equation for the present channel. The result should be stored in a file.

Second The corresponding velocity components u and v are to be for each node is computed and stored, u = dΨ / dy, v = -dΨ/dx.

Third The resulting pressure distribution is to be found using the Bernoulli equation. In particular, the pressure coefficient cp should be calculated for each point.

4th The results will be plotted in an appropriate manner. In particular, the following images are created:
a streamlined
b. Contours of the stream function
c. Contours of the amount of speed
d Contours of pressure coefficient
As an option, velocity vectors and / or contours of the individual components u and v are worked out.

5th This flow system is to be using StarCCM + calculated. It should be based on a 3-D model using StarCCM + networks. The calculation should be performed after this 3-D network has been converted to a 2-D network. With StarCCM + and determined to be compared and discussed with solving the Laplace equation obtained results.

The results will be summarized in a report. This report should include:
The above images, a complete listing of the computer program, a brief discussion of the results (1/2 to 1 page) and a comparison with the corresponding results obtained by using the commercial program StarCD-CCM +. A few words and a few screen shots are also in this case better than its lush pages of description.
  • oharro  (04.07.12 19:48:12) 
starccm kullanmadım ama soruda bir olay yok gözüküyor. elbet birileri yardımcı olacaktır, biz de nasipleniriz artık =)

  • exordinary  (04.07.12 19:52:58) 
buraya yazılanların hakları Sir Anthony Hopkins'e aittir.
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