
"Göz Kulak Oluyoruz" un İngilizcesi Ne ki?

Sözlük anlamı değil de daha doğru bir kullanım şekli arıyorum. Native'ler bi el atsın :)

native değilim ama keep an eye on sb die geçer benim bildiğim.
olmadı look after.

  • strangelittlegirl  (31.10.10 20:51:01) 
to take care of

  • SevmeBeni  (31.10.10 20:51:18) 
taking care?

(bkz: take care of)
  • deeperdown  (31.10.10 20:51:18) 
We are "keeping an eye on" him/her/it.
We are "taking care of" him/her/it.

Ne anlamda kullandığına bağlı esasında.
  • shangrilla  (31.10.10 20:51:46 ~ 21:00:43) 
Ola ki "We are keeping an eye"?

  • jesterdvine  (31.10.10 20:52:16) 
teşekkürler native'ler, native yolunda hızla ilerleyenler...

sanırım "we keep an eye on"u kullanıcaz. doğru galiba.
  • brkylmz  (31.10.10 20:56:23) 
"i got your six" bence daha cool :)

  • hollowlife  (31.10.10 21:06:37) 
keep an eye on derim ben de

  • Ms._mystery  (31.10.10 21:08:05) 
kimsenin bir kere bile to look after dememis olmasi aci kaynagi, icime atar yasar giderim

@orcu, uyari icin sagol : ) dusundugunu yaziya farkli sekilde gecirmek nasil bir sey cozemedim.
  • no christ requiress  (31.10.10 21:34:09 ~ 22:09:49) 
we are to be eye and ear

Hasan was a very heavy headed boy. His father was a middle situated man. To make his son read in good schools, he did everything coming from his hand. He took everything to eye. His mother was a house woman. Every job used to come from her hand. In making food, there was no one on top of her. The taste of observations she made could make you eat your fingers. This woman made her hair a broom for her son. When hasan became sick, she cried her two eyes two fountains. When hasan finished lycee he wanted to be a tooth doctor, and he entered to the university exams and won the tootherness school. In the school, he met jale. Hasan was hit to
her in first look, but she wasn't hit to him in the first look. However, her blood boiled to him. A few weeks later, they cooked the job. Jale's father was a money father. He turned the corner many years ago by making dreamy export. But jale wasn't like her father. She was a very low-hearted girl. Her father was wanting to make her marry to his soldierness friend's son abdurrahim. Abdurrahim finished first school and didn't read later. He became a rough uncle. He started to turn dirty jobs when he was a crazy blooded man. He was his mother's eye. He said, "hık" and he fell from his father's nose. So, three under five up he was like his father. When he
saw jale, he put eye to her. His inside went. His mouth got watered. His eyes opened like a fortune stone. To be able to see jale, hasan's inside was eating his inside. Finally, together they went to a park. When they were wrinkling in the park, abdurrahim saw them. First he pulled a deep inside. And then his eyes turned. He couldn't control himself. He wanted to send them to the village with wood, but he collected himself. He decided to leave them head to head. At that moment, the devil poked him. He fit to the devil, pulled his gun and fired. However, a man passing stayed under lead rain and poor man went to who hit. He planted the horseshoes. Then the mirrorless' came. They took all of them under eye. Jale's inside was blood crying. The man died eye seeing seeing. And so, this job finished in the black arm.
  • KarlukYinyang  (31.10.10 21:47:11 ~ 21:48:42) 
@no christ
look after demek istedin herhal.

  • orcu  (31.10.10 21:47:46) 
"look after" daha ilk cevapta denmiş zaten. en çok kullanılanı da o zaten.

  • ermanen  (01.11.10 01:34:48) 
buraya yazılanların hakları Sir Anthony Hopkins'e aittir.
yazan eden compumaster, ilgilenen eden fader
modere edenler angelus, Artibir, aychovsky, baba jo, basond, compumaster, deckard, duyulmasi gerektigi kadar, fader, fraise, groove salad, kahvegibi, kaymaktutmayansicaksut, kibritsuyu, monstro, pandispanya, robin, ron dennis
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