
İngilizce-kibarca reddetme


Bir tedarikçiye artık ürünleri ile ilgilenmediğimizi ve beraber çalışmayacağımızı söylemem gerekiyor. Kibarca reddedeceğim.
İngilizce nasıl bir mail atmak uygun olur?

Dear X,

I would like to inform you that our company is not planning to buy your products after this period. Please consider our feedback to you for your future sales.

If there will be any changes i will get in touch with you.

Best Regards.
  • dedim dedim de kime dedim  (25.11.19 15:29:43) 
Dear x,
I hope my email finds you well,

We regret to inform you that we as y company, decided to move forward in a different direction and to finalize our partnership with your company.

We appreciate your collaboration up until now, and wish you all the best

Best regards
  • interview with the vampire  (25.11.19 15:30:15) 
Dear mr. xxxx

I am sorry to say that we are no longer interested in your products. It is not about your product quality but about our administrative decisions regarding our suppliers. I am grateful for the time we have worked together, we hope you the best for the rest of your business life.

  • mg3929  (25.11.19 15:32:37) 
Dear Mr. X,

This e-mail is being written to confirm that as of tomorrow xy/zt/klmn, we will no longer need to use Company Name. We have been pleased with our prior relationship and it is our wish that we part on good terms, We have decided to use another X service due to X Y Z.

Please use this notification e-mail as our notice not to renew our partnership. Please feel free to contact me with any additional issues you may have regarding this topic.

Best Wishes,

  • speedy  (25.11.19 15:36:36) 
Dear X,

We dont give a shit about your stupid, shitty, useless, shit color product anymore. I would rather die to see any other bad packaged waste from your company. You are in really another level to design a product from a shit. Shit needs to remain as shit and your products needs to die. You should give painkillers and antidepressants as bundle with your products so at least i dont need waste time for doctors pharmacies etc to erase the pain and memories that your product gave me. Also a hand gun will be good so i can shoot myself. After using your product shooting myself becomes logical.

Anyway i think you got the point. If you did not read these words 'f.ck you f.ck your product and f.ck off from my place'

Best Regards.
  • dedim dedim de kime dedim  (25.11.19 15:40:21) 
@dedim dedim de kime dedim

Hahaha çok iyi ya :)
  • mr.green  (25.11.19 19:24:15) 
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