
amazondan gelen cevap, çeviri için yardım

google amcanın çevirisi dışında daha anlaşılır olabilir mi diye şey ettim ama, yardımcı olan olursa çeviriye çok makbule geçer. teşekkür ederim.

I understand your concern regarding the double charge for your order# 112-3925642-6110666

As per your concern, I checked your transaction details and verified that we didn't charge you for this order#112-3925642-6110666 as yet because according to our standard policy, you only pay for items or we charge you when we ship them to you. The transaction for $545.63 on October 20, 2017 that you are able to see on your account is just an authorization that will be removed from your account with in 5-7 business days once the order will be shipped from our end and once will charge you for your order.

It is worthy to note that the authorization isn't an actual charge. If you are checking your balance via online banking, this authorization may show up as a "pending transaction."

Any lingering authorizations should drop off in accordance with your issuing bank's procedures for holding authorizations.

When you place an order, we contact your bank for a purchase authorization to verify your card but don't actually charge you until the order ships.

You'll need to contact your bank for assistance. They can tell you why funds on your account may be unavailable and clarify how long they hold payment authorizations for online orders.

Your bank has the entire control over the duration of the authorizations so if you want the authorization to be removed immediately, I highly recommend that you contact your bank for assistance as they are in the best position to tell you why funds on your account may be unavailable and clarify their policy on how long they hold payment authorizations for online orders.

While our goal is to provide our customers with as much information and assistance as we can, the bank has more specific information than we do about their average time frame for releasing unused authorizations. Usually customers will receive the information they need from the bank in a helpful manner. We hold them to the same high customer service standards we set for ourselves.

The Settlement verification code for your order is : 551219 the bank should be able to use this number to locate and remove the authorization in question.

After contacting the bank If your issue is still not resolved, Please write us back we will surely help you.

Please be assure that your transaction and money is safe and secure with Amazon.

I hope this time I am able to resolve your concern to your satisfaction however, if you still feel that I missed anything please write us back we will surely help you as resolving every customer concern to their satisfaction as our utmost priority.

dunde vardi sanirim msj'in, para 2 kez cekilmis gorunuyor diyordun ama amazon ilkinde hesapta para var mi diye bakiyor, sonra siparis tamamlanio kargo olacagi zaman 1 daha cekiyor, bankadan biri iade olacak merak etme

benimde basima cok geliyor ilk kez kullandigin kartlarda
  • kamyonsans  (26.10.17 13:25:13) 
ilk alışverişte 2 kez çekmesi normal. biri porivizyonda durur sonra onu almayıp iptal ederler. ya da iki kez çeklerse birini iade ederler. amazon'da sorun yaşamazsınız rahat olun:)

  • jamiro  (26.10.17 13:46:30) 
provizyon çektik iade edilir diyor. bankanla konuşup mutabakat kodu 551219yi verirsen belki kaldırırlar provizyonu

  • argent dawn  (26.10.17 15:34:54) 
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