
scam mail mi ?

Couchsurfingde adamın biri mail adresi istedi bunu yazdı ..Scammer miş ?

Thanks for your interested and willingness to work with me. I am very much interested to work and partner with you in Real Estate as you stated. We have potential Private Investors ready to inject funds in any viable business projects and willing to partner with you in Real Estate Business. We are looking between the range of $ 5 Million Dollars above.

Our investors are interested on Joint Venture partnership, Soft Loan Funding, Direct Capital Investment and Debt Service Financing. We are ready to establish a cordial business relationship with you and inject funds in your business projects depending on the type of investment you would prefer and with you acting as the manager and sole controller of the investment while our investors remain as a silent partner throughout the duration of the contract.

Our available investors are Arab italia investment company"Ibrahim Hammoud Al-Mazyad" and Jordan Private Investor “Waheed Abdullah Hamid”. They are also currently seeking means of expanding and relocating their business interest abroad, and also ready to invest any amount depends on the nature and viability of the business projects, the investment could be made in any sector or industry not minding the location or geographical area, thus in exception of countries or regions where there is political instability or war zones.
Nevertheless, for us to precede further you will have to provide us with a workable BUSINESS PROJECT of any investment area of your choice with the below information;
1. Business Plan (if available):
2. Name and Address:
3. Company Name and Address:
4 The total investment amount required for the projects:
5. Nationality/Project Location:

Confirm receipt of this email and once we receive the above information we will conduct our due diligence report and SWOT Analysis of your projects portfolio if it turns out positive we will send you a workable terms and procedures of closing with the Investment Funding Agreement for both of you to sign and conclude with the transaction.

Zack Raphael
Principal Financial Consultant
Capital Trust Investment.


  • kingcyrax  (08.06.17 23:44:47) 
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  • rucka boji  (09.06.17 01:11:54) 
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