arkadaşlar bi uygulama almıştım eğer iptal etmezsem her ay belli bir miktar kesileceğini söylemişti apple store. bunu nasıl iptal edebilirim. (telefon 5s ios 7 )



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Turning auto-renewal off:

Login to your subscribed account.
Click on your name in the upper righthand corner of the homepage to open a dropdown menu.
Choose "Account" to access your Account Pages.
Look for a "Billing Information" section. (If you do NOT see a "Billing Information" section, auto-renewal is already off!)
Click "Manage Billing"
Click "Cancel Auto-Renewal"
Confirm by clicking "Cancel Auto-Renewal" again at the bottom of the page
Choose a reason for cancellation, then confirm one final time by clicking "Cancel Auto-Renewal."

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