birebir çevirmek zorunda değilsiniz dostlar. ne demek istediğini özetleseniz yeter. google ile çevirdiğimde bir şey anlamadım.

"We were in Izmir at one point while the city was in response mode to a recent PKK threats, and there was an undercurrent to how everyone was interacting and navigating the situation, and the pieces fit together better with some of your explanations of the culture landscape.

I know only a small portion of turkey lies on the "european continent" and the rest lies in "asia" (I quote because its all eurasia and the division seems silly particularly in the Turkish context).

Do you believe Kurds and Turks consider themselves to be asian? I've never gotten that sense - ethnicity, culture and region seems to bear more importance..."


Izmirdeyken pkk saldiri riski sehri diken ustunde tutuyormus ve insanlarda herkese cekimser bakiyormus(buyuk ihtimalle etnik kimliklerine gore on yargiyla)

Bize gore turkiye kismen asya kismen avrupada ama size gore cok da buyuk bi ayrim degil bu.

Turklerin ve kurtlerin kendilerini asyali gorup gormemesini pek anlamiyorum etnik koken kultur ve cografi kultur daha onemli gibi


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