zizek ile peterson bir debate yapmış. zizek in dediklerini daha basit bir şekilde anlatabilecek olan avr mı? bilale anlatır gibi ?

anlamadığım kısım şu:

Don't fall in love -that's my position- with your suffering. Never presume that your suffering is in itself a proof of your authenticity. Renunciation of pleasure, can easily turn into pleasure of renunciation itself

context içinde de veriyorum. tamamını okumama rağmen anlamadım. ingilziceyi çok iyi bilmiyorum. felsefe ile aram iyi değil.

Second: Yes, we should carry our burden, accept our suffering that goes with it. But a danger lurks here: that of a subtle reversal. Don't fall in love -that's my position- with your suffering. Never presume that your suffering is in itself a proof of your authenticity. Renunciation of pleasure, can easily turn into pleasure of renunciation itself. For example -- an example not from neo-conservatives -- white left-liberals love to denigrate their own culture, and blame eurocentrism for our evils. But it is instantly clear, how, this self-denigration, brings a profit of its own. Through this renouncing of their particular roots, multicultural liberals reserve for themselves the universal position, graciously soliciting others to assert their particular identities. White multiculturalist liberals embody the lie of identity politics.

My hero is here a black lady, Tarana Burke, who created the the metoo campaign more than a decade ago. She observed in a recent critical note, that, in the years since the movement began, it deployed an unwavering obsession with the perpetrators. Metoo, is all to often, a genuine protest, filtered through resentment.

Furthermore, I find it very hard, to ground today's inequalities -- as they are documented by, for example, Piketty in his book -- to differences in competencies. Competencies for what? In totalitarian states, competencies are determined politically. But market success is also not innocent and neutral, as a regulator of the social recognition of competencies.


acı çekmeyi zevk haline getirmeyin diyor. acı çekmek sizin duygularınızın gerçek olduğunu, otantikliğini kanıtlamaz. hatta keyfin ve zevkin küçük görülmesi (renunciation of pleasure), bir noktadan sonra küçük görmenin ve aşşağılamanın bir zevk eylemi haline gelmesine (pleasure of renunciation itself) yol açabilir. işte avrupalı beyaz sol liberaller kendi avrupalı köklerini aşşağılamayı seviyor, eurocentrism'i (avrupa merkezciliği) şu anki sorunlarımızın sebebi olarak göstermekten hoşlanıyorlar. yani aptal iran molla rejimini, dandik siyasal islamcıları baş tacı ediyor batılı sol liberaller sırf bu kendi köklerine duydukları renunciation'dan ötürü. saçma diyor bunlar zizek.


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