nasil dusurulur?


ayrı soru microsoft'a sorulmuş, gelen cevap şu, ingiliççe bildiğini bildiğim için çevirmiyorum,

Hi Michael,

Thank you for choosing Windows 8 and joining us on our Community.

From the issue description, I understand that Windows Defender runs the security scan when the system wakes up from sleep mode or when you try to plug a network cable to the computer. And you don’t want this.

You would have scheduled Windows Defender to do so. So I would suggest you to unschedule Windows Defender to do so and check.

Follow these steps:
a. Press Windows key + W and type administrative tools.
b. Select Administrative Tools and select Task Scheduler.
c. Follow this path in the left hand pane. Task Scheduler Library/Microsoft/Windows/Windows defender
d. Uncheck all the boxes under Idle, Power and Network.
e. Now it won’t scan your computer.

For any further queries related to Windows defender, feel free to get back to us any time. We will be glad to assist you.
Tadasha Mishra

der meister

Yok olmuyor o da zaten secili degil


bu uygulama ile epey bir şey yapabilirsin ama istersen ayarlar kısmından pro moda tıklayarak win defender'i iptal et dersen, hallolmuş olur.

işletim sistemi win 1o sanıyorum. değilse bilemiyorum ne yapmalı.


mobil görünümden çık